In this article, we are going to introduce you methods to clean animal vomit from the carpet. When your pet messes up on the carpet, clean it immediately to reduce the chance of stains. The acid present in the animal's vomit damages the carpet, but it can be cleaned with a few simple methods. In order to remove animal vomit from the carpet, you can use household detergents or items available in the market that are used for most stains, but for stubborn stains, refer to a carpet cleaning specialist.

Part 1: Using a household cleaner 1: Use a towel to remove the bulk of the vomit. Do this with several dry, multi-layered towels, but be careful not to spread the particles on the carpet.

2: Clean the dirty part of the carpet with cold water. Fill the spray bottle with cold water and pour it on the area. Cover the vomit with a towel until the moisture is gone. Use the clean side of the towel with each tap and rub, if the dirt is heavy you will need more than one towel.

3: Mix two cups of warm water with 1 tablespoon of salt. Now that most of the dirt is gone, prepare your household detergent to clean the area. Heat approximately 2 cups of water in a microwave-safe bowl or cup. Add 1 tablespoon of salt and continue stirring until the salt dissolves.
4: Pour half a cup of white vinegar, 1 tablespoon of detergent and 2 tablespoons of alcohol. Mix these ingredients with water and salt. Put everything together in a bowl or cup.
5: Dip a clean kitchen sponge in the solution. Dip the sponge in the solution until it is completely soaked. Apply on the dirty area. Again, if the area is large, you will need more than one sponge.

6: Use a sponge to clean the remaining dirt. Remove the remaining dirt and stains with small strokes. As before, each stroke with a clean side of the sponge.
    Every time you massage that part with a sponge, a part of the dirt is cleaned
    Wash the sponge with warm water in the sink
    You may want to throw it away.
7: Sprinkle baking soda on the dirty part. Now that the dirt is gone, pour baking soda. This removes possible odors and makes the carpet dry faster.
8: Sweep over the dried baking soda. It takes several hours for baking soda to dry. Keep animals away from the carpet during this time. After it is completely dry, vacuum it to absorb all the baking soda.


Directions for Cleaning Dog Vomit from Carpet:
  1. Remove the solids. Use a piece of cardboard or a couple of dry paper towels to pick up the bulk of the mess. ...
  2. Soak up excess liquid. ...
  3. Spray cleaner. ...
  4. Scrub. ...
  5. Let it sit for about 5 minutes.
  6. Blot clean. ...
  7. Dry. ...
  8. Vacuum, if desired.

إرشادات تنظيف قيء الكلب من السجاد:

قم بإزالة المواد الصلبة. استخدم قطعة من الورق المقوى أو اثنين من المناشف الورقية الجافة لالتقاط الجزء الأكبر من الفوضى. ... امتصاص السوائل الزائدة

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