If you're looking for a new rug for your home, you've probably looked at styles, shapes, designs, and more. You may have thought that choosing a new rug is a simple task, but with so many options

Machine carpet and handmade carpet are two options for people who intend to replace their home carpet. If you are one of these people,

In this article, we are going to introduce you methods to clean animal vomit from the carpet. When your pet messes up on the carpet,

Entering the world of antique Persian rugs is a unique journey. Exploring this world reveals hidden histories and ancient traditions

Iran is not able to produce raw materials for textile industry, so the raw materials must be imported from countries that produce this materials, but it also has its own problems because Iran is under sanctions

P.Carpets are usually pictures of attractive and beautiful patterns that any expression of a narrative can be woven by taking pictures of European painters