If you're looking for a new rug for your home, you've probably looked at styles, shapes, designs, and more. You may have thought that choosing a new rug is a simple task, but with so many options, how do you know which shapes will work best in your space? ‎

While many homeowners opt for traditional rectangular rugs, more homeowners opt for the unique look of a round rug.

Round rugs can highlight your home decor and furniture in a way that makes your home look like the interior design magazine models. The only problem is knowing when to choose a round rug based on its edges.

Read more about round rugs and whether you should add them to your home

What is a round carpet?
Not surprisingly, round rugs are exactly what you imagine; Yes. The same carpets are circular in shape. A round carpet can be produced like many other carpets from materials such as polypropylene, jute, wool, polyester, etc. These types of rugs are available in a wide variety of sizes and designs, meaning there are limitless options if you're looking to get a round rug for your home.

Is the round carpet suitable for my home or not?
When choosing and arranging the decoration of your home, you spend a lot of care and attention in order to choose any device. You definitely try to choose the right furniture for the comfort of your family and also in accordance with the beauty of your home. The wall decor includes art works and paintings and photo frames with great memories. You even chose the color of the walls specifically to add to the unique feel of your home.

It is better that the carpets or rugs you get for your home match the rest of your home. That's why you should choose a rug that perfectly matches the space, colors, decor, and even the purpose of the room it's in. So, when is a round rug the right choice for a room?

When are round rugs the best choice for a room?

Round rugs are one of the best choices for a room. Check out some examples below:

In small spaces or apartments

Round rugs look great in smaller spaces because they can take up less space than rectangular or square rugs. The use of round carpets covers only part of the floor space.

For small areas of a building such as a bathroom or perhaps a small office space, a round rug can cover a decent amount of floor space while leaving open space around the floor for anything you don't want sitting on the rug. Round rugs are also suitable for small apartments, such as studio apartments, because they do not take up much floor space.

As a general rule, designers will tell you that a round rug is better in a smaller space that is square than rectangular.

In rooms with curved walls

Rooms with curved walls are a unique feature in your home, which means you should emphasize it as much as possible. The best way to emphasize the curvature of the room is to add a circular rug to the decoration.

You can choose a large circular rug directly for the center of the room. If the room is large, you can even place two or three small round rugs of different sizes in different parts of the room. If you wish, this will distinguish this particular room as your "round room".

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