Machine carpet and handmade carpet are two options for people who intend to replace their home carpet. If you are one of these people, but you don't know which type of carpet you make, we recommend reading more to get acquainted with the features of each and ultimately make the right choice.
The handmade carpet weaves with natural fibers like animal wool, and the wool is as much as the carpet, the better the color of the carpet. For this reason, new handmade carpets are placed in the carpets under the pedestrian foot to pass through it, as the carpet looks more desired and looks more mature and beautiful.
Handmade carpets are woven into three categories of bergamot, brick and adobe designs. Lachak and bergamot designs are among the designs that have been the most popular among Iranians since ancient times. In fact, carpets that have a broad margin and have an oval or circular design called bergamot in their center, as well as around and four corners, are called lacquers and bergamot.
But handmade carpets, with all the benefits they have, also have disadvantages, including that handmade carpets are very priced so that not all segments of society can buy it. It should be noted that the home will not be covered with only one carpet, and if you want to make a few handmade carpets for the home, you will definitely have to pay a lot of money.
 That is why people have welcomed buying carpets because the cost of carpet carpets is lower than the cost of handmade carpets and is therefore offered at a reasonable price in the market. It is not only that it makes the carpet appeal to people, but the carpet is lower than the handmade carpet, but it is a luxury commodity.